Sunday, May 28, 2017

Introduction to the .NET Framework

.NET Framework Platform Architecture

C# programs keep running on the .NET Framework, a fundamental segment of Windows that incorporates a virtual execution framework called the regular dialect runtime (CLR) and a brought together arrangement of class libraries. The CLR is the business usage by Microsoft of the regular dialect foundation (CLI), a worldwide standard that is the reason for making execution and improvement conditions in which dialects and libraries cooperate consistently. 

Source code written in C# is assembled into a moderate dialect (IL) that adjusts to the CLI particular. The IL code and assets, for example, bitmaps and strings, are put away on plate in an executable record called a gathering, regularly with an augmentation of .exe or .dll. A get together contains a show that gives data about the gathering's sorts, variant, culture, and security necessities. 

At the point when the C# program is executed, the gathering is stacked into the CLR, which may take different activities in light of the data in the show. At that point, if the security necessities are met, the CLR performs without a moment to spare (JIT) aggregation to change over the IL code to local machine directions. The CLR likewise gives different administrations identified with programmed trash accumulation, special case dealing with, and asset administration. Code that is executed by the CLR is here and there alluded to as "oversaw code," rather than "unmanaged code" which is arranged into local machine dialect that objectives a particular framework. The accompanying outline shows the arrange time and run-time connections of C# source code documents, the .NET Framework class libraries, congregations, and the CLR. +

Dialect interoperability is a key component of the .NET Framework. Since the IL code delivered by the C# compiler adjusts to the Common Type Specification (CTS), IL code produced from C# can interface with code that was created from the .NET adaptations of Visual Basic, Visual C++, or any of more than 20 different CTS-agreeable dialects. A solitary get together may contain various modules written in various .NET dialects, and the sorts can reference each other similarly as though they were composed in a similar dialect. 

Notwithstanding the run time benefits, the .NET Framework likewise incorporates a broad library of more than 4000 classes sorted out into namespaces that give a wide assortment of helpful usefulness for everything from document info and yield to string control to XML parsing, to Windows Forms controls. The run of the mill C# application utilizes the .NET Framework class library widely to deal with normal "pipes" errands.

For more data about the .NET Framework, see Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework.
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